About Us

Spring 2006

If asked whether they met playing ultimate frisbee in college, both Katherine and Ian tend to shrug and say “Kind of?” It was a small school and their friend groups naturally overlapped (only some of which was due to frisbee).

Fall 2006

It was an honest coincidence that Katherine and Ian were both set to study abroad in Australia a few months later. Honestly!

Spring 2008

These are the faces of two people who are happy to be graduating, but they have not slept in many, many weeks.

Fall 2008

Following undergrad, Katherine and Ian both spent a year living and working in Minneapolis, with the occasional break to go backpacking along the North Shore.

Fall 2009

Katherine started grad school at UC San Diego in 2009 while Ian kept working at his job in Minneapolis (with many flights for both between the two cities).

Spring 2010

At the end of Katherine’s first year in grad school Ian moved out to California to join her. The next few years involved a lot of exploring in the desert.

Sometimes the desert was mountainous.

Occasionally there was less desert, but still mountains.


Slightly less baby-faced, but not too different from 10 years ago.