Wedding Party

Christy Cloninger

Christy Cloninger

Officiant, Bride’s Coven

Christy is filling two roles as both master of ceremony and soulmate to the bride. First year at Grinnell College the gods of housing put two triples of first year ladies across the hall from each other (and a third triple of first year dudes directly above them). Living across the hall from each other, Katherine and Christy realized quickly they are the same person and can read each other’s minds. Christy has lived with Katherine (and Ian) at various points over the past 12 years, and has traveled on 3 continents with them. Future plans include living together again (or at least not on opposite sides of the country) and traveling to a fourth continent.

Liz Bacon

Liz Bacon

Bride’s Coven

Liz and Katherine met while interviewing at UCSD. In fact, thanks to the psych department’s penny-pinching they shared a bed that weekend (which is one way to jump start a friendship). Their friendship was renewed that fall, having both chosen to dedicate a not-insignificant portion of their 20s to pursuing PhDs in San Diego. They also spent a good portion of that time drinking beers, playing board games, and arguing about whether or not Katherine and Ian should get a dog.

Julia Bottles

Julia Bottles

Bride’s Coven

Katherine and Julia met on move-in-day at Grinnell when Julia took up residence in the first year triple across the hall. Katherine was initially very intimidated by Julia (Katherine recalls being sweaty, disheveled, and overwhelmed at their first meeting, while Julia appeared calm, poised, and fabulous). While both sides of this first impression would prove accurate, that thankfully didn’t stand in the way of them becoming great friends.

Brian Ingram

Brian Ingram

Bride’s Coven

Katherine likes to joke that Brian is her favorite brother (also, her only brother). It’s this sort of crack wit that Brian has stoically dealt with his entire life. For a good part of their childhood Katherine did not understand why she would ever need to make other friends when she had a playmate and friend living in the same house as her. Eventually, Katherine did make other friends, but this guy is still pretty great.

Sean Warlick

Sean Warlick

Bride’s Coven

First year at Grinnell, Sean technically lived in the triple above Katherine, but he almost immediately became the de facto 7th roommate to the ladies of Dibble 2nd. Katherine can’t actually remember their first meeting, as he has seemingly always been a happy presence in her life for the last twelve years.

Aden S-K

Aden S-K

Groom Squad

Aden and Ian met through the Ultimate team at Grinnell. Ian missed having a brother around to fight with constantly, so he decided to fight constantly with Aden instead. Somewhere in between the regular cafeteria ice cream fights and the time Aden TP’d Ian’s desk, they decided to room together senior year.

Andrew Young

Andrew Young

Groom Squad

Andrew is Ian’s brother. Andrew tried to smother Ian when Ian was 1 year old, but their relationship improved after that.

Jim Aspholm

Jim Aspholm

Groom Squad

Jim and Ian met in high school on the XC ski team. They’ve remained good friends over the years, even after Jim cut his glorious hair and moved to Wisconsin. Besides the usual wedding party duties, Jim will be lending his booming voice to any announcements that need to be made during the wedding.

Kurt Melby

Kurt Melby

Groom Squad

Ian met Kurt when he was about 12 years old and they didn’t hit it off. They met again in high school on the Ultimate team and got along a lot better that time. Ian and Kurt lived together for two years in Minneapolis before parting ways to opposite ends of the country. Luckily, Kurt and Ian’s parents now live next door to each other to keep the connection alive.

Dan Bacon

Dan Bacon


While Dan called dibs on flower girl, we told him he’s just not pretty enough so he has to be an usher.

Ian Lunderskov

Ian Lunderskov


The Ians met first year at Grinnell and were unsettled to discover that they were actually one person in two bodies. Finding it annoying to be shadowed by someone with the same name and personality, they doubled down and enrolled in all the same activities. The Ian Singularity Project has been going strong ever since, despite the occasional misstep.